Our People
Faculty & Staff
Cara Abrams
Steve Albert
Natasha Anderson
Sandi Anslow
Karly Avila
Sean Bartlett
I teach because all children deserve a learning environment that is safe, supportive, and student-centered. I will always strive to celebrate student success and guide student growth.
River Blair
Richard Boyd
Marcie Brewer
I teach because teaching is a gift. Middle schoolers are amazing. They are old enough to understand the true complexities of life, but young enough that they’re not yet jaded. They make me smile everyday, and I get to share all of my passions—literature, poetry, drama, history, social activism—with them.
Diana Buck
I teach because it shapes our future more than any other pursuit, and it brings me joy to see kids have that 'lightbulb' moment.
Bess Butterworth
I fundraise for PJA because every child deserves an education. Fundraising guarantees that PJA students are supported along their educational journey.
Carla Caynon
I teach because I enjoy helping students learn new things and nurturing their growth.
Sharee Conner
I teach because “We never know which lives we influence, or when, or why.”
― Stephen King, 11/22/63
Brian Darnell
I work at PJA because supporting this amazing community is the best job I've ever had. PJA's values are truly held by those who work here and I always feel supported, and encouraged and inspired to exemplify these values.
Kate Dickinson-Villaseñor
I’m an educator because I believe all children deserve to be loved and understood in a learning community that nurtures their creativity and critical thinking, so that they can lead a better world.
Kovu Dombrowski
I teach because I like being able to play games and make art with kids.
Shahar Eden
I teach because education can change lives and shape a better future.
Irit Elchaiani
I teach because I love helping children realize that learning can be hard and that's okay! And nothing is better than having one of my students realize they’re stronger and more resilient than they ever thought possible.
Angelica Evans
Becky Ewer
I market for PJA so people can learn about how our school makes mensches!
Sally Frazier
Sarah Freilich
Jennifer Garrell
I teach because I enjoy working with children. Teaching is creative and interesting work and it fills my heart. In particular, I love finding ways to connect with each child.
Beth Germain
Nathan Gittleman
Sarah Glass
As Admission Director, I love sharing the powerful story of PJA with families.
Hannah Guglielmana
Cody Hall
I teach because helping children learn and grow is such a special power that helps everyone and generations to come.
Merrill Hendin
Laurel Hennig
I teach because I believe every child is full of potential and I love helping my babies grow into loving, kind, and confident kids!
Kate Herrell
I teach because children deserve to be heard and loved.
Linda Hill
Rae Hill
I teach because working with kids brightens my life. They remind me how beautiful the world is when we make the effort to explore it.
Jana Hopfinger
I teach because I can't think of anything that better combines my love of Judaism, children, creativity and community. My work is varied, exciting and challenging and after 25 years of teaching, I'm learning new things from my students on a daily basis.
Megan Hughes
Crystal Huynh
Paige Iddings
I teach because I've always wanted to be an art teacher & support young artists, no matter their style and experience.
Daravanh Insixiengmay
l teach because it brings me joy and I am able to help shape the lives of my student.
Rebecca James
Lisa Katon
Maya Katri
I teach because I love to share the joy of education with children and to see their eyes light up with new learning!
Amy Katz
Nicole King
I teach because witnessing developmental milestones, making everlasting memories, positively impacting the lives of others, laughing, playing and expressing my creativity are only a few perks of the most important job!
Ellen Kipnis
I teach because it is who I am. It is my passion, my calling and my world.
Hailey Knapp
I teach because I enjoy working with kids and hearing their cute/funny stories.
Livy Knight
Liana Kramer
Kim Krikorian
I teach because I know how important early childhood education is. Young children are not to be molded but people to be unfolded. I enjoy experiencing the wonder and awe of learning with small children. There are so many new things to learn from a group of citizens that are preparing for a future world.
Carly Landau
I teach because I love to offer new ways of thinking and problem solving. I strive to create an environment where our students can discover new passions with a sense of curiosity and confidence.
Lucy Leo
I teach to provide a strong social, emotional, and academic foundation for every child.
Larisa Lerner
"It's a great privilege to take my students on a journey of the Hebrew language - in which they not only learn the language of the Torah but also explore the depths of the Jewish heritage and a culture of the modern state of Israel."
Rosanne Levi
I work for PJA because it is not just a school, it's a community. Families and staff work together as one.
Ellie Linsley
I teach because I love kids! Teaching kids a new skill, helping them with their homework or just cracking a joke and seeing their faces light up makes my entire day.
Denise Littlefield
Celinda Llanez
I teach because early childhood education is an important building block in a child's learning journey and I'm honored to be part of their adventure.
Ashley Lookenhouse
Melanie Lopez
Este Marie
Madison McComish
I teach because Early Childhood Education is truly where children learn how to become people. Witnessing the children discover their sense of self, independence, and humor is just a glimpse at everyday life in the classroom.
Jenn McFarling
I teach because I enjoy helping to encourage creative thought and inquisitive minds and to learn to respect the people and community around them.
Lynne Meyerowitz
I teach because I believe in the power of education. My own teachers have and continue to influence my life and I similarly aspire to positively impact the lives of my students.
Holly Miller
I teach because it is amazing to see children’s excitement and creativity as they explore their world.
Colleen Morrissey
I teach because I believe teaching is one of the most important, impactful jobs there is. To help a child learn, grow, and find their voice is how I want to leave my mark on the world.
Sara Morton
Joni Mueller
I teach because it brings me joy and fulfillment.
Fabiola Munoz
Han Ngo
I work for PJA because it is a family and community. PJA students collaborate and learn tech skills for the future.
Naomi Nussbaum
Gita Pastala
I teach because working with middle schoolers energizes and inspires me everyday. Mathematics is the tool, because I find great joy in it, but teaching is my destiny. My goal is to help every student discover the great joy in Mathematics, not only the ones for whom it comes easy, but especially for the one who believes it’s not for them.
Alyssa Pazoff
Liz Phillips
I teach because of all the joy it brings to me each and every day. From the smallest of moments to the biggest of victories, I love and cherish my time with my students!
Jack Pickell
I am an educator because I want to be a catalyst for positive change in the education system.
Avery Poulsen
Sydney Price
I teach because I value education and want to be the type of role model I didn't have as a kid.
Ben Pro-Richards
I teach because I believe being a teacher is one of the greatest ways to make a meaningful impact on students, the world, and our future.
Chris Roberts
I work at PJA because I believe that community can play a large part in people's lives. For me, community was what brought me back when I found myself spiraling out of control - when you have others you can lean on for support, it can mean the difference between recovering from hardships or letting those hardships define and control you.
Matt Rosenberg
I teach to help students gain the ability to be critical thinkers, who can solve real-world problems both inside and outside the classroom.
AJ Rudolf
I am an educator because I want to be a source of safety, support, and compassion for children and families.
Erika Saiers
Eden Samiee
Karen Sapoznikow
I fundraise for PJA because I believe that everyone should be able to take advantage of all this school has to offer, regardless of their financial situation. Mensches come from all walks of life. Our ability to offer scholarships enriches our student body and makes our community stronger.
Elliott Saunders
I teach because skills students learn outside the classroom is crucial for the growth of that individual and I love being a part of that team.
Emmi Schreiber
Alisa Scudamore
I teach because my students show me how to remain creative and open while making art. Their ideas and energy renew my optimism for our world.
Shawna Shadden
I teach because I truly enjoy teaching!
Adrianne Sharrock
I teach because I believe that educational beginnings based on curiosity and kindness create not only an engaged learner, but an open and confident person who can also help and teach others.
Abigail Sigmund
Molly Sloan
I teach because I am a ready collaborator who loves all things library. Connecting kids, teachers and parents to the right resource at the right time is what makes me tick!
Claudia Sneathen
I teach because all parts of life start with human connection and mentorship.
Mary Steinberg
I work on the PJA Auction because it helps support students and it gives me the opportunity to connect with our Jewish community.
Ben Stolberg
I teach because young minds need an adult to help guide their curiosity, and adult minds need the curiosity of youth so that we don't stagnate. I learn just as much from my students as they do from me.
Sue Stone
I teach because I love children and hope to guide and assist them to reach their potential.
Miriam Stroud
I work for PJA because it gives the opportunity to serve my community, create meaningful and lasting relationships and collaborate to improve the well-being of those around me.
Nicole Surbaugh
I teach to inspire the next generation of thinkers, makers, leaders and scientists to ensure that we leave this world a better place.
Tammy Thompson
Sarah Truran Wills
I teach because I am grateful for the chance to make a positive impact on the next generation and play a small part in shaping their bright futures.
Dani Turner
Megan Tydeman
Maya Varon
Stephanie Wagner
Beck Weiser
Julian Weiss
I teach because no matter how bad of a day I am having, children always manage to brighten up my day.
Bria Whitten
Sophia Whyte
I teach because watching students learn and grow brings me great joy and hope for the future.
Suzanne Winchester
I teach because I like to learn from children and share my knowledge with them.
Harriet Wingard
Fenyx Wolfe
I teach because I've found no greater joy in life than to interact with and help inspire children. Learning should be joyous and I find deep fulfillment in the opportunity to teach students to find their own joy in the learning process! My goal is to create lifelong learners.
Emma Wotring
I teach because I firmly believe that education can repair the world and it brings me immeasurable joy to witness my students grow into kind, responsible and resilient individuals who contribute to a bright future for us all.
Laura Young
Adam Zappa
I teach because there exists no better, more noble, or more rewarding way to spend my time. I teach because learning is lifelong, and children and adolescents have a great deal to teach us. Spending time around such energy and creativity makes me a better and happier person.
Tatiana Zawadzki
I teach because... Little people are my passion!! I truly feel inspired learning from them - every day is a new beginning, a new journey that unfolds a new path creating new memories and welcoming new adventures. If only we slow down, observe and listen we are able to support already creative minds. I’m honored to be an Early Childhood teacher and to witness as each little person welcomes their “Firsts”.
Steve is passionate about music and theater, and he enjoys singing as well as attending concerts and plays. He also enjoys hiking, kayaking, and skiing, and he likes to travel – especially to visit his grown children who are scattered around the country.
Merrill grew up in New York and attended Jewish day school through high school. She worked at a Jewish day school in Brooklyn before moving to Vancouver, BC, where she completed the graduate education program and received her teaching certification through the University of British Columbia.
Kate Dickinson-Villaseñor is an experienced educator with 25 years in K-12 education, specializing in inclusion, social-emotional learning, social justice, progressive education, and differentiation.
Becky is the Marketing & Creative Director for the Mittleman Jewish Community Center and Portland Jewish Academy. She started working here in 2005 and loves the family feeling of the MJCC and PJA.
Beth is responsible for all aspects of financial management and budgeting. Beth joined the PJA Finance Committee in 1999, became Treasurer of PJA in 2000 and was hired as Controller in 2002.
All three of Sarah's children attended PJA. "I love sharing the story of PJA with families. This is a school that truly lives by its core values. Our students learn to think critically, work together to build community, and know that they can make a positive impact in our world."
Amy has been working in Jewish Education for over 20 years. Amy taught Hebrew & Jewish Studies for seven years at PJA before becoming the Director of Jewish Life & Learning.
Kim received her bachelor's degree in Sociology with a focus in Education from Ashford University. She also has associate degrees in Early Childhood Education and Human Services from Dawson College. She loves how PJA offers a place where the spirit of a child is celebrated.
Carly has been helping to run aftercare enrichment programs across Portland since 2016.Growing up, Carly regularly attended Jewish youth groups and camps. She is so pleased to continue to be able to nurture her connection to Jewish life through PJA.
Prior to joining PJA in 2023, Colleen taught in independent elementary schools in Los Angeles. Additionally, she participated in teacher leadership groups, strategic planning committees, and presented at the annual conference of the National Council for Social Studies.
Erika attended Green Mountain College and earned a BS in Elementary Education & Teaching with a concentration in Recreation. Erika earned her MEd in Educational Leadership & Administration from PSU. Erika believes this community is truly a wonderful environment to grow up in.
Board Members
Nadine Gartner is the current President of the MJCC and PJA Boards.
Jason Zidell is the current Immediate Past-President of the MJCC and PJA Boards.
John Emshwiller is the current Vice President of Facilities of the MJCC and PJA Boards.
David Solondz is the current Vice President of Strategy of the MJCC and PJA Boards.
Nate Smith is the current Treasurer of the MJCC and PJA Boards.
Naomi Harwin is the current Secretary of the MJCC and PJA Boards.
Eric is an active MJCC member and is passionate about Jewish heritage and cultural values.
Nicole Frisch has more than 20 years of experience in public affairs and strategic communications.
Marni is a past Treasurer of both the MJCC and PJA Boards.
Martha is a public interest attorney with Legal Aid Services of Oregon.
Arielle is an active MJCC member and parent of two current (and one future) PJA students.
A native of Portland, Chris Hathaway serves as the Community Programs Director of the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership.
Michelle is an active member of the MJCC, where her two daughters have attended Day Camp, swim lessons, and Stingrays Swim Team.
Danelle is a past President of both the MJCC and PJA Boards.
Sandra Valle's work has spanned the private and non-profit sectors.
Tamar was part of a founding family in the PJA Giving Circle, is a member of the MJCC, is the mother of two PJA students, and is a prior co-Chair of Kehillah, PJA's Parents Association.