The library at PJA is a dynamic hub of learning. Throughout the day students and faculty gather in the commons to collaborate and construct their learning. Kids from preschool through eighth grade are in and out of the space for a variety of purposes. From enjoying a story as a class, to working on projects with classmates to conferring with a teacher, the library is a busy place all day long.
In addition to spaces for both formal and informal learning, the PJA library offers a stimulating collection of materials. The newest, critically acclaimed books as well as popular books in high demand are constantly being added to the library collection. Find what you’re looking for in our library catalog. If you’d like to make a recommendation, here is a form you can complete give to Safranit Molly. Molly also has a website with information for research resources, resources for reading programs like the Oregon Reader’s Choice Award and Beverly Cleary Children’s Choice Award, links to articles and recommended book lists as well as a blog with tidbits about new books, special PJA programs, author visits and more!
Visit the PJA Library for a lively, engaging learning experience!