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PJA students had a very special celebration for Shavuot today. Although we may not be able to gather as one school together, we are always finding meaningful and fun ways to bring the Jewish life of our school to life. 

Shavuot is the holiday when we celebrate the receiving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. There is a tradition on Shavuot of staying up all night studying Torah in community with others. In honor of this tradition, the Day School instituted a schoolwide Pajama Day on Friday. In Early Childhood classrooms, children became soferim (scribes) and “wrote” their own Torahs using feathered quills.  

Another popular tradition on Shavuot is to eat dairy treats such as cheesecake and ice cream. Our Day School students all received delicious ice cream sandwiches this week as special holiday treats thanks to PJA parent Uri Kushner and Dairy Hill Ice Cream.

To see more of PJA students' celebration of Shavuot, please watch this video.

To learn more about the holiday, check out our PJA Holiday Guide here

Wishing our entire community a Hag Sameach (happy holiday) and a Shabbat Shalom. 

  • K-2 Curriculum
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