Support PJA
Annual Fund
Wondering how powerful your Annual Fund donation can really be?
Your support of the PJA Annual Fund is not only essential to the operation of the school on a day-to-day basis, but it is also one of the most impressive and important factors noticed by grants and foundations who may also consider supporting the school.
Each spring, PJA families, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents and past donors give us much-needed financial support during the Annual Fund Drive. These dollars go directly to support teacher salaries and professional development opportunities.
Contributions at all giving levels are very much appreciated! The truth is that it costs about $3,000 more than tuition to educate each student. If financially possible, families can contribute this amount as a tax-deductible donation.
Matching gift! Check with your company to see if they will match your contribution to PJA.
Have Annual Fund questions? Learn more with our Finance FAQ.
Please contact Lisa Katon, our Donor Relations & Grants Specialist or call 503.535.3532 for more information.
Our Auction is PJA’s most important fundraiser, because it benefits our scholarship fund and provides essential operating support.
Ways to support the Auction.
- Help procure donations
- Attend the Auction
- Be a Sponsor
- Make a Mitzvah Moment Donation
- Volunteer at the Auction
For more information contact Rosanne Levi at
More on our Auction at:
Shop & Drop
If you are already shopping at FredMeyer, you can have some of that purchase be a donation to us, at no cost to you!
Fred Meyer Community Partners
- Go to
- Click Re-enroll or link your Rewards Card now
- Login to your Fred Meyer account (or create a new account; you must have a Rewards card to do this).
- Enter "JG362 " to select Portland Jewish Academy as your designated charity
Through BottleDrop, you can immediately redeem your containers through self-serve machines and hand counts at any of their Redemption Centers. You can donate your refund to PJA!
For more information on BottleDrop, and to see locations nearest you, visit their website:
Planned Giving
PJA's Life & Legacy/Dor L'Dor Society
Please remember PJA in your will, trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy.
Supporting Portland Jewish Academy through a bequest or other planned gift entitles you to become a member of our Planned Giving or Dor L'Dor Society.
PJA is one of eleven organizations in Oregon participating in Oregon Jewish Community Foundation’s Life & Legacy program, funded by the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
What is Planned Giving?
Planned giving, sometimes referred to as gift planning, is a way anyone can support PJA today, and in the future. By definition, a planned gift is any typically larger gift, made in one’s lifetime or at death, as part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning. Some planned gifts provide a life-long income to you, the donor. Others use estate and tax planning techniques to provide for charity and your heirs in ways that maximize the gift and/or minimize its impact on your estate. Whether you use cash, appreciated securities/stock, real estate, artwork, partnership interests, personal property, life insurance, a retirement plan, etc., the benefits of funding a planned gift can make this type of charitable giving very attractive to both you and PJA.
How a planned gift is different from an Annual Fund gift?
Gifts to our annual fund or for the auction are made from your discretionary income. They may be budgeted for, but they are not planned by philanthropic definition.
Three types of planned gifts
1. Outright gifts that use appreciated assets as a substitute for cash;
2. Gifts that return income or other financial benefits to you in return for your contribution; and
3. Gifts payable upon a donor’s death.
If you are interested in receiving more information about planned gifts to PJA and the Dor L'Dor Society, please contact Steve Albert, Executive Director at 503.535.3592 for more information.
PJA Dor L'Dor Society
Anonymous (3)
Steven Albert and Janie Goldenberg
Bonnie Boone Altshuld and Steve z"l Altshuld*
Ron and Judy Applebaum
Gloria Bacharach z"l *
Alan Bacharach*
Richard Barker and Kelly Portnoff-Barker
Stacy Barna
Jackie & Stuart Barthold*
Barry and Karla Benson
Gregory Bishop and Sharon Klin*
Lynn Bonner*
Donna and Dick z"l Brownstein*
Stanley Davis*
Marlene Davis z"l *
Julie Diamond z"l
Esther Dickstein
Edith Dorsen
Robert Erlich z"l
Becky and Greg Ewer
Eleanor Fisher z"l
Robin and Eric z"l Flamm
Karen and Skip Freedman*
Nadine Gartner and Benjamin Olds
John and Beth Germain*
Jacob Gildesheim*
Jonathan and Sarah Glass
Edward and Florence Glick z"l*
Eric Goldenberg*
Erica Goldman and Jeffrey Druckman*
Adam and Robin Greenman*
Rick Haselton and Sura Rubenstein*
Merrill and Perry Hendin*
Helen Herner*
Ruth Horenstein*
Lewis and Lisa Horowitz*
Hilde Jacob z"l
Dr. Irvin and Dr. Jacqueline Jacobs
Sam Jacobson*
Phil Jansen and Ariel Shattan*
Garry and Judith Kahn
Hank Kaplan and Marni Glick*
Lisa Katon and Noah Kressel
Sheldon Klapper and Sue Hickey
Eric and Robin Kornblit
Tony and Priscilla Kostiner*
Stacey Lebenzon
Shirlee and Reuben Lenske z"l*
Jordana and Ryan Levenick
Al and Rosanne Levi*
Holly R. Litwin*
Gail Mandel and Steven Klein
Richard and Judi Matza*
Zen Menasche-Slayen*
Vic and Toinette Menashe*
Jeffrey Menashe and Wendy Gutmann*
Larry and Joyce Mendelsohn*
Mark and Marcia Meyer*
Joel Mullin and Sheri Katz
Hillary Nasso and Ken Wittenberg*
Diane Nemer z"l *
Dale Oller
Ella and Herbert Ostroff z"l*
Jack & Clara Paige Family Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation
Robert Leonard Parnas z"l
Erik Richmond and Annette Demsey
Gayle and Paul Romain
Steve Rosenberg and Ellen Lippman*
Stan and Madelle Rosenfeld
David and Darcy Rubin*
Nicole Heiman Sacks and Robert Sacks*
Jerry and Bunny Sadis
Stephen and Becky Saltzman
Faye Gordon Samuels
Andrea K. Sanchez and Benjamin Drucker
Joan Schnitzer
Richard and Patricia Schwartz*
Gary and Linda Singer*
Jonathan Singer
Anthony Slayen*
Kelly and Julie Smith*
Les z"l and Martha Soltesz
Marshal Spector
Roslyn Srebnik Fund of the Srebnik Family Trust
Carol and Noam z"l Stampfer*
Sherry and Steven Stone*
Howard and Vivian Wasserteil
Rabbi Joey Wolf and Lisa Rackner*
Carrie Wynkoop and Kari Chisholm
Esther and Henry z"l Zabronsky*
Ken and Jennifer Zeidman
Mark and Mindy Zeitzer
Jason Zidell
Jay & Diane Zidell
*Denotes Founding Members of the Dor L'Dor Society
Dedicated Donations
Did you know you could make a donation to PJA in memory of a loved one or in honor of a person or special occasion? To acknowledge your tribute, we’ll send a lovely card with your minimum of $10 per tribute.
Learn more about supporting PJA with our Finance FAQ.