Spotlights on...
Anchored by the Hillel quote, PJA Middle School’s Summer Reading program promotes literacy and community-building while celebrating our student readers, writers, and artists. This year’s Summer Reading theme was EMPATHY.
Third grade students started the year off exploring a BIG question: Why are there so many different names for God?
The first days of school always bring with them many sweet and memorable moments as we welcome new and returning students to school.
The children in our Infant/Toddler program harvested potatoes that had been planted in the spring in the Early Childhood garden and used them to make potato salad to share with one another on their last day of school.
We extend a huge toda raba (thank you) to Naomi Harwin and David Solondz who served as Kehillah co-chairs in the 2022/23 and 2023/24 school years.
Kol hakavod to our class of 2020 graduates! We are #PJAProud of all they have accomplished and wish them the very best.
Our 8th grade students finished out their time at PJA with a bang! They recently returned from their culminating Middle School trip to NYC and DC...
In Hebrew, manhigut means leadership. Middle School students who choose to be in this exploratory (elective) class serve as leaders and ambassadors both at PJA and in our larger community.