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Apple Boats and Honey Pools

Apple Boats and Honey Pools

Our creative Kindergarten class had lots of wonderful ideas for Rosh Hashana celebrations. Some ideas were truly out-of-this-world and included robots, space travel, and giant vats of honey. Others were a bit more practical. After excitedly discussing their ideas together, students were invited to draw pictures of their party ideas. The pictures were collected into a book. If you are looking for some extraordinary party ideas, just ask a Kindergartener! 

Some ideas included a pool full of honey and boats made out of apples. The next day, the class experimented with making apple boats. First, they determined whether or not apples would float. (They do.) They also tested a variety of classroom objects to see what would sink and what would float and tried to figure out why. Next, they cut the apples into different shapes and studied how that would affect their ability to float. After many test runs, students worked in pairs to build their own distinctive apple boats. The final step was to send some Lego figurines off to sail into the new year!